Monday 5 January 2009


I'm guessing I should introduce myself, this being my first post. My name is Khyan, which is probably not your name, because it's different, and unusual. There's a story there, and it has something to do with my mother's obsession with Egyptology. Ask her and she'll tell you all about it.

It's a burden as much as it is a gift. People find my name refreshing and often tell me that they'll name their spawn likewise, I nod and act flattered. I suppose it's better than another Liam out there. However, people often have difficulty pronouncing my name; there's been a veritable smorgasbord over the years, Kee-un, Kai-un, Wanker. OK, not a smorgasbord, but at least as diverse as Uncle Ben's curry sauces. If you're trying to guess the right answer, it's Kai-ann.

Anyways, I don't want to get too bogged down in small talk, so over the coming months I hope to bombard you with big talk, news and observations. Hang low.

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